For some reason, I often live in a state of hurry.
I feel like I must hurry up and get everything done so I can finally relax. Oftentimes, this is counter productive and makes me not accomplish all that I would like in the manner I would like.
This morning for instance, I had a long list of things I wanted to cross off my "to-do" list. (I'm very list motivated--I have lists for my lists--seriously!)
But, as any dog owner knows, nothing gets done until the pooch has done his business.
Our dog Charlie still has to be taken for walks on his leash to do said business, although he is getting better about going on his own without the fear of him running off/away.
Here's a pic of good ol' Charlie Boy:
Isn't he so handsome?
Anywho, Charlie is the world's slowest pee-er. Not sure if that is a word, but Charlie will sniff every bush and its mama before finding the perfect one to tinkle on.
And it drives me absolutely crazy.
Because of my lists.
I can't mark off on my list(s) if Charlie doesn't hurry up and finish his business!
One nice thing about Charlie's walks are they are down the long dirt road we live on, so most mornings, its just me, Chuck and Mother Nature.
It's nice and shady and a good place to meander when meandering is on the list:)
This morning it was not.
I was becoming frustrated with my little boy because all he wanted to do was keep his nose to the ground instead of his leg hiked up.
I'd like to say I had a great epiphany in this moment on how to slow down and take time to relish the moments and breathe in all life has to offer, but I didn't.
Instead, Charlie finally found the perfect tree and I was able to walk him back home and get started on my list:)
It did, however, get me thinking (and blogging) about how I can learn to slow down and not feel so I can feel more Charlie-like. Who, besides having to use the bathroom outside, has a pretty sweet life:)
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