Homes all around the small town I live in are probably doing the same thing tonight.
Packing book bags, making PB & J's, and attempting to get the kiddos to bed a little earlier.
That's been the theme for my house today.
Lunches are made, paperwork is (almost) filled out and I am already planning an early bedtime for myself--not sure if my children are planning the same!
School officially starts back tomorrow.
I had a very uneventful (read: relaxing) summer and I hate to see it end.
I am, however, looking forward to a new school year.
The beginning of a new school year also brings all kinds of other things I really enjoy: Autumn, cooler weather, FOOTBALL, pumpkin-flavored everything, fall inspired clothing (read: scarves, boots) and Halloween and Thanksgiving.
And to be totally honest, I'm tired of sweating:)
Getting back on track, I have several friends who are dropping their babies off to Kindergarten tomorrow. One will be drug out the door by her lil' lady and the other will have to be drug out the door by her husband while white knuckling her sweet little boy closer.
Each child, and mother, are different and this is something I have to remind myself on occasion.
Decisions I wouldn't make, opinions I wouldn't have and choices I scoff at, are usually made because a mom feels in her heart it is best one for her child.
It doesn't make her wrong and me right or vice versa.
It makes us different.
Parenting is a hard.
"It's the hardest job you'll ever love" is the Hallmark equivalent of "Get ready, this "ish" is going to hurt".
More than ever, parents need to support one another and offer help, instead of judgement, where it is needed.
That's just my two cents:)
Hug your babies a little tighter tonight. Get those last minute clothes picked out and go to bed have school tomorrow.
Musings on mothering, "southerning" and anything else that I find delightfully interesting.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Tomorrow will be interesting...
Tomorrow is the day. The end of sleeping in, lazy pajama days, beach rendezvous, endless Mad Men marathons and time well spent with my girls.
Tomorrow "workdays" begin. For those of you not in the education profession, "workdays" are those days we got to work without the students present. Anyone who has ever taught knows every day is a work day, but, alas, that's what we call them...
Any who, tomorrow I join the real world again.
I'm actually looking forward to it. Sort of.
My husband keeps saying that this year (school year) is going to be interesting. And I agree, I just don't like the way he says if there is something attached to it. As if he knows something I do not.
Sass, what I call my 17 year old, will be a senior this year.
**pardon me while I vomit**
Yes, that's right, mama's baby is entering her last year of public schooling.
I'm not exactly dealing very well with this fact. This is apparent from the sobbing I choke back every time I think about sending her off to college next year. Tears, ugly face and all.
And she hasn't even had her first day of her senior year.
Yes, I am naturally a crier. But, it's usually over tissue commercials, "move that bus" moments or Sarah McLachlan's horrid doggie commercials.
You know, things that any normal person with a heartbeat might get a little verklempt over.
This is different. This crying is because I know.
I know once she leaves for college, our life with her will never be the same. Not that it will be bad, but it will be different.
She will be different.
She'll get that first taste of independence and love every morsel of it. She'll make her own hours, develop relationships I'll question and entertain opinions I don't trust.
As she rightly should. It's a rite of passage.
But that doesn't mean I have to like it:)
Sass has always been a "good kid". We have never had to give her a curfew because she's never needed one. She makes very wise choices for her age and surrounds herself with "good people".
She has great discernment and can see crazy coming a country mile away. She sticks to her guns.
So, I struggle with my tears, because I truly am happy for her. I'm excited for the prospects that lie ahead. But I'm sad that my little girl is growing up.
Fortunately, she's growing into a God-fearing, Jesus loving, strong, capable woman. But it's still too fast for this mama.
Tomorrow, for me, is way more than a regular workday. It's the beginning to our year of "lasts". Last homecoming football game, last Christmas at home, last prom, last, last, last...
Told you I wasn't dealing very well.
So forgive me if I start crying for no apparent reason. I'm trying to manage some very "interesting" emotions.
Tomorrow "workdays" begin. For those of you not in the education profession, "workdays" are those days we got to work without the students present. Anyone who has ever taught knows every day is a work day, but, alas, that's what we call them...
Any who, tomorrow I join the real world again.
I'm actually looking forward to it. Sort of.
My husband keeps saying that this year (school year) is going to be interesting. And I agree, I just don't like the way he says if there is something attached to it. As if he knows something I do not.
Sass, what I call my 17 year old, will be a senior this year.
**pardon me while I vomit**
Yes, that's right, mama's baby is entering her last year of public schooling.
I'm not exactly dealing very well with this fact. This is apparent from the sobbing I choke back every time I think about sending her off to college next year. Tears, ugly face and all.
And she hasn't even had her first day of her senior year.
Yes, I am naturally a crier. But, it's usually over tissue commercials, "move that bus" moments or Sarah McLachlan's horrid doggie commercials.
You know, things that any normal person with a heartbeat might get a little verklempt over.
This is different. This crying is because I know.
I know once she leaves for college, our life with her will never be the same. Not that it will be bad, but it will be different.
She will be different.
She'll get that first taste of independence and love every morsel of it. She'll make her own hours, develop relationships I'll question and entertain opinions I don't trust.
As she rightly should. It's a rite of passage.
But that doesn't mean I have to like it:)
Sass has always been a "good kid". We have never had to give her a curfew because she's never needed one. She makes very wise choices for her age and surrounds herself with "good people".
She has great discernment and can see crazy coming a country mile away. She sticks to her guns.
So, I struggle with my tears, because I truly am happy for her. I'm excited for the prospects that lie ahead. But I'm sad that my little girl is growing up.
Fortunately, she's growing into a God-fearing, Jesus loving, strong, capable woman. But it's still too fast for this mama.
Tomorrow, for me, is way more than a regular workday. It's the beginning to our year of "lasts". Last homecoming football game, last Christmas at home, last prom, last, last, last...
Told you I wasn't dealing very well.
So forgive me if I start crying for no apparent reason. I'm trying to manage some very "interesting" emotions.
Sweet Sass on her 3rd birthday
Sunday, August 11, 2013
One of these things is not like the other...
Who remembers the Sesame Street song with these lyrics?
"One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong"
That's what I've been singing lately as I try to accept my new of eating.
Alas, all those years of shoving pasta, bread, pastries, chips (and anything else remotely resembling carbs) into my cake hole has caught up with me.
And, as a result, the good doctor has sentenced me to a life of low carb. I know, it sucks, right?
I'm southern. We reek of carbs.
Dumplings, cornbread, cobblers and casseroles are our way of life. Just today as I sat down for Sunday dinner at Mama's, the table prided itself with pineapple casserole (yes, it sounds weird, but is delicious!), pasta salad, cheesy rice, and mashed potatoes.
Of course, carbs aren't just privy to the South. A dear Italian friend from NY, who is an amazing cook, slathers her fair share of carbs on the supper table as well:)
So the song lyrics seem appropriate, considering it is hard to both live in the south and be expected to live low carb.
I've been adjusting as best as I know how and, to be honest, I do feel better. I have more energy and am less likely to doze off in the middle of the afternoon now. Which is a plus, especially when you are responsible for small children.
I cheat, probably a little more than I should, but I am trying to find a variety of recipes so I don't get bored with the eggs, salads and chicken breast I've been choking down...
This is a big deal for me. I often kid with The Hubs that I am one bad decision away from being the compulsive Mt. Dew chugging, cigarette smoking, cheese doodle stuffing redneck I was born to be. Not that there's anything wrong that!
So, in the mean time, I half-heartedly nibble my carrots and eagerly await my "cheat days".
"One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong"
That's what I've been singing lately as I try to accept my new of eating.
Alas, all those years of shoving pasta, bread, pastries, chips (and anything else remotely resembling carbs) into my cake hole has caught up with me.
And, as a result, the good doctor has sentenced me to a life of low carb. I know, it sucks, right?
I'm southern. We reek of carbs.
Dumplings, cornbread, cobblers and casseroles are our way of life. Just today as I sat down for Sunday dinner at Mama's, the table prided itself with pineapple casserole (yes, it sounds weird, but is delicious!), pasta salad, cheesy rice, and mashed potatoes.
Of course, carbs aren't just privy to the South. A dear Italian friend from NY, who is an amazing cook, slathers her fair share of carbs on the supper table as well:)
So the song lyrics seem appropriate, considering it is hard to both live in the south and be expected to live low carb.
I've been adjusting as best as I know how and, to be honest, I do feel better. I have more energy and am less likely to doze off in the middle of the afternoon now. Which is a plus, especially when you are responsible for small children.
I cheat, probably a little more than I should, but I am trying to find a variety of recipes so I don't get bored with the eggs, salads and chicken breast I've been choking down...
This is a big deal for me. I often kid with The Hubs that I am one bad decision away from being the compulsive Mt. Dew chugging, cigarette smoking, cheese doodle stuffing redneck I was born to be. Not that there's anything wrong that!
So, in the mean time, I half-heartedly nibble my carrots and eagerly await my "cheat days".
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Take time to sniff the bushes...
For some reason, I often live in a state of hurry.
I feel like I must hurry up and get everything done so I can finally relax. Oftentimes, this is counter productive and makes me not accomplish all that I would like in the manner I would like.
This morning for instance, I had a long list of things I wanted to cross off my "to-do" list. (I'm very list motivated--I have lists for my lists--seriously!)
But, as any dog owner knows, nothing gets done until the pooch has done his business.
Our dog Charlie still has to be taken for walks on his leash to do said business, although he is getting better about going on his own without the fear of him running off/away.
Here's a pic of good ol' Charlie Boy:
Isn't he so handsome?
Anywho, Charlie is the world's slowest pee-er. Not sure if that is a word, but Charlie will sniff every bush and its mama before finding the perfect one to tinkle on.
And it drives me absolutely crazy.
Because of my lists.
I can't mark off on my list(s) if Charlie doesn't hurry up and finish his business!
One nice thing about Charlie's walks are they are down the long dirt road we live on, so most mornings, its just me, Chuck and Mother Nature.
It's nice and shady and a good place to meander when meandering is on the list:)
This morning it was not.
I was becoming frustrated with my little boy because all he wanted to do was keep his nose to the ground instead of his leg hiked up.
I'd like to say I had a great epiphany in this moment on how to slow down and take time to relish the moments and breathe in all life has to offer, but I didn't.
Instead, Charlie finally found the perfect tree and I was able to walk him back home and get started on my list:)
It did, however, get me thinking (and blogging) about how I can learn to slow down and not feel so I can feel more Charlie-like. Who, besides having to use the bathroom outside, has a pretty sweet life:)
I feel like I must hurry up and get everything done so I can finally relax. Oftentimes, this is counter productive and makes me not accomplish all that I would like in the manner I would like.
This morning for instance, I had a long list of things I wanted to cross off my "to-do" list. (I'm very list motivated--I have lists for my lists--seriously!)
But, as any dog owner knows, nothing gets done until the pooch has done his business.
Our dog Charlie still has to be taken for walks on his leash to do said business, although he is getting better about going on his own without the fear of him running off/away.
Here's a pic of good ol' Charlie Boy:
Isn't he so handsome?
Anywho, Charlie is the world's slowest pee-er. Not sure if that is a word, but Charlie will sniff every bush and its mama before finding the perfect one to tinkle on.
And it drives me absolutely crazy.
Because of my lists.
I can't mark off on my list(s) if Charlie doesn't hurry up and finish his business!
One nice thing about Charlie's walks are they are down the long dirt road we live on, so most mornings, its just me, Chuck and Mother Nature.
It's nice and shady and a good place to meander when meandering is on the list:)
This morning it was not.
I was becoming frustrated with my little boy because all he wanted to do was keep his nose to the ground instead of his leg hiked up.
I'd like to say I had a great epiphany in this moment on how to slow down and take time to relish the moments and breathe in all life has to offer, but I didn't.
Instead, Charlie finally found the perfect tree and I was able to walk him back home and get started on my list:)
It did, however, get me thinking (and blogging) about how I can learn to slow down and not feel so I can feel more Charlie-like. Who, besides having to use the bathroom outside, has a pretty sweet life:)
Friday, August 2, 2013
Apparently, I'm not so good at this blogging thing--especially since I thought I would have all this extra time while I am off for the summer! It's been a little over a month since my initial post. And I would like to say I've been super busy, but, truthfully, other than a week of vacation, I've been mostly busying myself watching Mad Men and reading.
Not an altogether bad thing in my opinion:)
I hope to update a little more often and really use this venue as an outlet.
So, why "sweet tea and collard greens" for a title you might ask? Well, since my primary reason of starting this blog was to discuss all things "mom", I thought what two things best describe mothering to a southerner?
Sweet tea is delicious, refreshing, and well, sweet.
Collards are bitter, full of vinegar and an acquired taste, but for those who like them, still delicious!
Alas, my summary of parenting!
I love being a mom. Of course, I don't really know anything else being I had my first at the ripe (i.e., too young!) age of 19. Nonetheless, it can be downright painful at times, physically, but most of all, emotionally.
I'm the proud mama of two girls--17 year old "Sass" and 8 year old "Sugar". They couldn't be any more different, but I love them both to pieces. I also have a super cute and supportive hubby who partners with me in this journey. We will call him "The Hubs" :)
Thanks for reading--The Hubs will be home from work soon, so I must ready myself for our weekly trip to Lowe's (a married couple's idea of a hot date...)
Not an altogether bad thing in my opinion:)
I hope to update a little more often and really use this venue as an outlet.
So, why "sweet tea and collard greens" for a title you might ask? Well, since my primary reason of starting this blog was to discuss all things "mom", I thought what two things best describe mothering to a southerner?
Sweet tea is delicious, refreshing, and well, sweet.
Collards are bitter, full of vinegar and an acquired taste, but for those who like them, still delicious!
Alas, my summary of parenting!
I love being a mom. Of course, I don't really know anything else being I had my first at the ripe (i.e., too young!) age of 19. Nonetheless, it can be downright painful at times, physically, but most of all, emotionally.
I'm the proud mama of two girls--17 year old "Sass" and 8 year old "Sugar". They couldn't be any more different, but I love them both to pieces. I also have a super cute and supportive hubby who partners with me in this journey. We will call him "The Hubs" :)
Thanks for reading--The Hubs will be home from work soon, so I must ready myself for our weekly trip to Lowe's (a married couple's idea of a hot date...)
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